Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a listing of commonly asked questions and answers. Often times you will be able to save a phone call or email by quickly reviewing the questions and answers below.

We are always happy to help so if you are unable to find what you are looking for please contact us.

  • Is the William M. Shinnick Fund a loan?
  • How and when is repayment made?
  • How can I apply?
  • Who can apply?
  • What schools can the funds be used at?
  • Is there a minimum GPA requirement to apply?
  • Is the loan based on community service and activities or simply financial need?
  • Can the funds only be used for a 4 year college or university?
  • Can I use these funds for a trade school or 2 year associates degree?
  • Are the funds given to the applicant directly or are they sent to the educational institution?
  • Do I have to reapply for the funds yearly?
  • What if I want to payback my loan early?
  • Are the funds only for 4 years or can a 5th year be added if necessary?
  • How can I check the balance of funds owed?
- The Williams M. Shinnick Fund is an interest free loan. Applicants may apply for the loan for up to four years of college or until you obtain a bachelor’s degree.
- Repayment starts one year following graduation. A statement is mailed to each recipient outlining payback details. Recipients can follow this statement or they have the option to repay their loan on a monthly basis.
- After you take a moment to review our requirements page you may begin your application process here Application
- Applicants must be Muskingum County residents and have graduated from a county high school. This fund is also open to older residents who would like to return to college to further their studies.
- The funds go directly to the applicants and not to the colleges. Applicants can attend any college they choose whether it is a 4-year college or a 2-year college.
- The minimum GPA requirement is 2.0 or better for the full 4 years.
- The William M. Shinnick Educational Fund was setup to enable individuals whom otherwise would not be able to go to school based on financial need. There are other requirements for qualification which may be viewed on our requirements page.
- No, the funds can be used at a 2 year college as well.
- Yes, if an application is approved.
- The funds are available at the Shinnick Office only and must be picked up. A parent must accompany the applicant and both are required to sign a Cognivit Note which is then kept on file until it has been repaid.
- Yes, a new application must be resubmitted yearly along with updated financial information.
- Loans can be repaid at any time during their academic years if the applicant so chooses.
- The funds are available for 5 years of schooling for qualifying applicants.
- You may verify your outstanding loan amount by contacting the William M. Shinnick Educational Fund office at 740-452-2273.


Do you have additional questions about the William M. Shinnick Educational Fund?

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